Load savegame not possible

Home Forums Bug Reports Load savegame not possible

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Ste.
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  • #82


    Thanks for all fixes and de new release. But now, I cant load saved games any more.



    Thanks for letting me know about this issue. If you can answer a few questions it will help in isolating the source of the problem:
    1) Are you not able to load any of your saved games or do only some of them fail?
    2) Do you know what version the affected games were saved in or do you know the date you last successfully loaded them?
    3) Does the application crash when you try to load them?
    4) If you make a new character do you have trouble loading the new character?

    Thank you,


    1) Any files:
    Name: Flu (level 17 Mage)
    Name: Mukar (level 14 Mage)

    2) I was able to load the games before the last update 3 days ago.
    3) Yes, I’m kicked out of the game, but the app ist still running in background. If I go to the app again, I’m on the entry page of the game.
    4) No, with a new character, I’m able to save and load the game


    I could imagine that the state (spells, skills, items…) of my “old” characters are not comatible to the latest game release any more.



    Thank you for the detais, they were very helpful. There will be an update soon that I think will fix the problem and allow those characters to be loaded. It may result in their discipline powers being reset so you will need to choose your powers again. For your reference, according to analytics, your characters had the following powers:

    * Discipline Powers:
    – Fire Burst I
    – Holy Bolt I
    – Power Bolt I
    – Rolling Stone
    – Teleport
    * Discipline Skills:
    – Arcane Tool Mastery
    – Basic Spell Casting
    – Fire Mastery
    – Magical Implement Proficiency
    – Spell Mastery
    – Spell Precision
    – Wizard’s Power
    * disciplinePowers:
    – Blizzard
    – Burst Of Speed
    – Charged Rune I
    – Fire Bolt I
    – Fire Bolt II
    – Lightning Bolt
    – Rune Of Madness
    – Shocking Grasp I
    – Teleport
    – Teleport With Control
    * disciplineSkills
    – Basic Spell Casting” = 1;
    – Deadly Spells
    – Elite Implement Proficiency
    – Fire Mastery
    – Magical Implement Proficiency
    – Mana Flow
    – Necromantic Mana
    – Necromantic Strength
    – Spell Mastery
    – Spell Power
    – Spell Precision
    – Superior Implement Proficiency (won’t need this anymore)
    – Wizard’s Power


    Thanks a lot!

    Btw. There was a bug before the latest release (probably fixed now):
    Both of my characters were trapped in an endless loop while fighting. Because the recovery of my mana (for mana shield) was high enough to prevent me from dying and the monsters hit points recovery was also high enough to prevent the monster from dying. So both of us (monster and me) were dealing damage and recovering hit points / mana in an endless loop. I was not able to get out of this.

    Just to let you know




    Thanks for letting me know about the endless loop. It sounds like both you and the monster had reactions/interrupts that were triggered by each other. In order to truly be an endless loop, they must have both been actions that were triggered every time and had no chance of failing (i.e. automatic damage). Either the monster was gaining back hit points when the action was triggered or it was taking 0 damage. Mana and Hit point regeneration would not have been a factor since this would have all been happening in a single turn. I assume you were gaining mana back each time it hit you or each time you hit it? Did you have to quit the app to get the loop to stop? If so, how long did you wait before quitting?

    As part of changes for the next version, I have gone through and put some limits on monster reactions and interrupts that had the potential to keep being successfully triggered endlessly. The ones I found should now eventually resolve themselves, but I can’t be sure if the scenario you describe was included in the list unless I know which powers were involved. If you can tell me the creatures and characters I can figure out which powers were likely responsible.

    Can you remember the names of the characters and monsters involved?

    Thank you,


    Thanks for the update.
    About the endless loop. I’m gaining mana back every round (mana recovery) and I waited hours before I had to quit the game. The characters involved in an endless loop are Mukar and Flu.

    After the latest update, I was able to load the the characters again. I could select some skills (as they were reset I assume). But after setting all skills, the game is quitting. And when I load the game (eg. Mukar or Flu), I’m kicked out of the game all the time. It’s still not possible to load the saved game.



    Hi Amon
    Are there any news concerning the load issue? I’m stll not able to load old characters.
    Do you need further information?




    I can’t reproduce the issue and I don’t see any crash reports, so I think you probably have crash reporting turned off. If you can send me crash logs, that would be very helpful. Here is how you can turn on crash reporting and/or send me your current crash logs:

    • Go to the iOS Settings app.
    • Go to Privacy.
    • Go to Analytics or Diagnostics & Usage.
    • (optional) If you want to share all future crash reports automatically, you can turn on the Share iPhone Analytics option.
    • Select Analytics Data or Diagnostics & Usage Data.
    • Locate the .ips crash log for Seed Of Evil.
    • The logs will be named in the format: Seed Of Evil-DateTime-DeviceName.ips
    • Select the desired Seed of Evil log and share or copy.
    • iOS 11 users, tap the Share icon in the top right corner.
    • iOS 9&10 users, long press to see the option to highlight text and select the entire text of the log. It will end in EOF. Once the text is selected, tap Copy.
    • Share to or paste the copied text into an email.
    • Send the email to amontemp02@gmail.com

    Thank you,


    Just sent…



    Thanks for sending the crash report! Is that the only crash report you have or were there multiple Seed of Evil crash reports? If there were multiple crash reports can you send me more? Each report could offer more information about the problem.

    Thanks for your help!
    Ted McLeod

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